Friday, 3 May 2013

Facebook Page

As well we all know Facebook has slowly taken over all of our lives we use it on a day to day basics. Facebook gives the option to create pages as well as profiles. These pages can be liked and then shared around by friends.
Here is a screen shot of photographer Terry Richardson's Facebook page.
As you can see the page has over two hundred thousand likes. This says it is the official Terry Richardson Facebook page it is difficult to tell though this is because there are no photographs  to view on this page unlike many of the other Terry Richardson pages such as this page that I found.
This page has less likes than the other Facebook page I found  for Terry Richardson however this one does have a large collection of his photographs.
 The idea of having a space to publish your images on a site that such a large percentage of the public use is a great idea and way to promote yourself.
Many people are not members of  sites such as tumblr and although they made read blogs they do not  have an account which means they can't subscribe to blogs to be informed when new posts go up and they can not comment on posts.
By having a Facebook page there is more chance of people being being able to access my page and see my work.
My aim will be to try and get over 100 likes  on my page in the next month. I should be able to do this by sharing my page on my Facebook profile daily and also updating the page itself as often as possible even if its just sharing my blog posts or tumblr pages on there. By making sure my page is updated every few days it means that my page will keep appears on peoples news feed and they are more likely to look at what appears on it.

So here it is my Facebok page
 hope you all enjoy  it.

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